Sunday, November 24, 2013

Eve Got A Bum Rap in the Garden of Eden

I don't know about you but I've always felt that Eve got a bum rap when it comes to that apple in the Garden of Eden so long ago.

Sin didn't enter the world through Eve (woman) although she did bite the forbidden fruit.

Sin entered the world through Adam (man) because unlike Eve he was not deceived.  He knew it was wrong to take that bite but he took it anyway and of course later blamed Eve.

Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man...

Romans 5:15 ...God's grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!

How blessed we are that GOD rectified the situation through His Son Jesus Christ.

Unlike what's been taught to women for centuries, Adam (one man) was the conduit for sin.  Eve was duped by the devil.  Although if you listen to many men of faith it was all Eve's fault even though the scriptures say otherwise.

Religion like most everything else is a male dominated institution. I'm okay with that.  I'd just like to see Eve vindicated of the bum rap she received and women have had to live with throughout history.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Today's Truth by Violet Renee: Halloween 2013 - Fun For All

Today's Truth by Violet Renee: Halloween 2013 - Fun For All: We are Americans and we are resilient.  Halloween 2013 proved that to me.  As the world fell apart as it does every day during the news &q...

Halloween 2013 - Fun For All

We are Americans and we are resilient.  Halloween 2013 proved that to me.  As the world fell apart as it does every day during the news "never ending" hour I went out on a gloomy, windy, wet night and my inner child was extremely grateful.  At the Thistledown Racino in Cleveland, OH I witnessed grown folks all dressed up in Halloween costumes and having the best of times.  Bills?  What Bills.  Problem at work?  Who cares.

For a moment no one was worried about government officials who don't give a damn about the people they were elected to represent. You know the ones.  They always vote for war, to cut food stamps and health care for children and working families.

Once again we proved that we don't buckle under pressure.  We know that we are free and they can't take that away from us. No one is going to crush our spirit although our pockets may be lighter.

We know how to laugh it off, play it off and get it off.  From children to old heads we delighted in ourselves as we dressed up in crazy costumes to match our outlandish antics and it felt good to feel like a kid again.

Marveling at the grand prize winners pictured above, I couldn't help but think that our standard of living may be reduced but our invincible, creative, free and unapologetic American soul remains as strong as our faith in an unseen GOD.

Where else are you going to find jamming Halloween parties in nursing homes and little tikes who can barely walk screaming, "Trick or Treat."  We stand strong in our ability to openly express ourselves.

So a grand time was had by all as kids and those who still want to be, donned their favorite get ups and went out into the night to celebrate who we are.