The mid-term elections are our only chance to throw the bums out. You know the ones I mean. The self-serving, lobbyist worshiping, warmongering, treasury looting, don't give a damn about the poor, elderly, children or anyone else in the 99% so called representatives of the American people.
Our government has failed us. How much money spent to overturn the Affordable Care Act? Millions you say? Yes. How much money has been spent on immoral and illegal wars? Trillions+? Yep, you got that right.
We have to mobilize and turn of the TV, log off the computer, put the headphones down and get ourselves to the voting booth before our right to vote becomes a vague memory. Its happening right before our eyes. New, restrictive, discriminatory voter ID laws are in effect and more states are following this throwback from Jim Crow days.
Republicans, who now call themselves conservatives or anything other than republican because, let's fact it, the republican brand is beyond tainted and the only way they win elections is by cheating, lying about and stealing them. They have spearheaded redistricting meant to disenfranchise as many minorities and women as possible.
We have Koch brother money buying elections around the country as they try and turn the country clock back to a time when only old white men had a voice and women and minorities were brutally forced to be silent.
Our vote is our voice. Don't let paid off politicians take away the only weapon you have against them. Your right to Vote! Let's get to the polls in record numbers and let them know that we are paying attention and We The People have the power.