Friday, October 2, 2015

Baby Blood in the Street

Our sweet babies and children are being murdered. Not by cops this time.  No armed intruders broke in.  The father, step-father, boyfriend didn't do it.  It wasn't the pit bull, drunk driver or murder-suicide.  The serial killer, Dumpster and neglectful parents are not the culprit this time.

This time its neighborhood gangstas terrorizing the community.  The best arsenal for this fight is to Start Snitchin.  From childhood to adulthood we are taught that you are a bitch if you snitch.  A criminal code that was established by, you guessed it, criminals. Our entire culture is affected by this asinine standard of behavior that allows murder and mayhem to roam through our streets unabated.

We must tell the police what we know, what we saw and when we saw it.  Anyone can do that anonymously by calling, texting Crime Stoppers 216.252.7463.  You can even submit a tip on-line today.

GOD answers prayer.  Marches bring attention to the problem. Talk on social media is an outlet for our sadness, anger and frustration. But, there comes a time when ACTION is required, mandatory, essential, needed, integral, and necessary.  That time is now.

Family, friends and lovers know who these guys are.  Neighbors know who these guys are.  Stop protecting these malicious gang banging murderers.

For those who won't tell - the blood of babies and children is on your hands.  It's not snitching.  It's doing the right thing.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Churches Are Being Set Ablaze. Is it 2015 or 1915?

What year is it again?  Racists are upset and burning down African American churches and terrorizing the community.  It seems as though we have gone through some type of Civil War time warp with Birth of a Nation as the soundtrack to the backward actions of pale face bigots in these United States.

Pissed off racists and Ku Klux Klan losers are dusting off their brutal tactics to keep the niggras in line.  This terrorism is nothing new.  For example, on June 21, 1995 four so called men affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan burned down beloved Macedonia Baptist Church and Mt. Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church. Both churches had majority African American congregations. Several arrests were made and in 1998, Grand Dragon Horace King and four other Klansmen were order to pay $37.8 million for conspiracy to burn Macedonia Baptist Church.  It's time to start making the KKK pay.  Again.

Of course, it goes back much further than that.  During and after Reconstruction in the South following the Civil War, angry former slave owners and their ilk rampaged throughout the South setting black people, churches, homes, crosses and anything else on fire to get their anger off at the recently freed slaves.  Lynching of black men in particular and women and children in general was all too common and approved of at the federal, state and local levels.

The terror actually never stopped.  We are being murdered for: driving while black, playing with toy guns while black, praying in church while black and basically breathing while black.  The list of things that may get you killed if you're a black person doing them are too numerous to mention here.

Until these murderous madmen are caught, tried and convicted of these heinous crimes we as a country will not move forward into a better future for all.  Make your voice heard and demand the full investigative power of the Department of Justice be used to bring these hate-filled bastards to justice.  As well as insist that local law enforcement do their jobs and put these terrorists thugs in jail.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


A lot of commentary is being bandied about concerning white privilege.  The Internet is a buzz with our opinionated opinions. Now, finally, even white people are admitting to the truth of benefiting from the now acknowledged white privilege advantage. The shame of it all is now a matter of public discourse.  

Pundits near and far are decrying the awful way African Americans and people of color in general are being systematically and institutionally denied access to employment, education, fair trials, decent housing, and an extremely long list of unfair treatment. Now, a new study has confirmed what minorities already knew; if you break the law as a minority you run the risk of being shot to death multiple times by police. No matter how small the offense.  

If you are white, you are taken down with kid gloves and arrested without a scratch.  Even treated to Burger King on your way to jail.  No matter that you just mass murdered several people.  No shots in the back for your pale face.  No choke hold death for you.  No 137 bullets for your entitled, murderous soul. No murder of a twelve year old by police happen in your lily white community.  No, that brutality is reserved for African Americans; preferably of the poor, young, male variety.  

Dylann Roof, is the latest white terrorist and mass murderer who prayed with and then murdered nine people in South Carolina. Racists have come out in full force to defend this animal saying that he's mentally ill and the usual sympathetic excuses reserved for those with white skin.  He's being forgiven and prayed for and protected, like so many others of his ilk.  Most Americans know, but probably won't admit, that had this been a black man that murdered nine whites in church he never would have made it to jail. He would have been executed by police.  To save the taxpayers money and time.  You know, according to them and those who enjoy the death, pain and suffering of African-Americans.

The white privilege of the terrorists in this country needs to be front page news nationwide. It's beyond time to stop the preferential treatment of white murderers and the excuses made for them.  The mentally ill excuse for white mass murderers is a slap in the face to people doing hard time for significantly less crimes.  

White Americans need to own their racism and bigotry when they kill; and treat white mass murderers the same way that they treat Muslims and other so called "terrorists."  They are prosecuted under the full extent of the law, including death.  With mass media coverage 24/7/365.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Rampaging, Psycho Cop Terrorizes Pool Party

Once again, an out of control, angry, rampaging, white, male, brutal, cowardly police officer is caught on tape running wild and roughshod over a group of teens at a pool party. A white eyewitness stated that the cop, Eric Casebolt, didn't order any white teens to the ground or put handcuffs on them.  Only black, Mexican and Arabic teens were treated violently, humiliated, cursed at and threatened with arrest.

If it were not for the video showing exactly how enraged and racist Casebolt was and is, the police would have been free to make up their own story about what happened as they have done so often in the past.  There is no justification to treat unarmed teens in such a horrendous fashion.  The lies of, "They had guns," or "I felt so very threatened," won't be believed in this video age and with this video evidence posted on YouTube.

The police department in McKinney, Texas (yeah, of course Texas), is scrambling to cover their asses and the ass of Casebolt who sits at home on what many assume to be Paid administrative leave while the police investigate (cover their asses). Nice way to vacation, don't cha think?

Meanwhile, a young 15 year old girl is home traumatized by a punk cop who slammed her slim body to the ground, pulled her hair, put the weight of his body on her small frame and cursed her out like she was a suspect in a school shooting (don't recall seeing any of them treated this way though).  All while she cried and asked for her mom.  Asking anyone to call her mom.  Please.

An entire gathering of innocent teens have been robbed of their innocence by this Dirty Harry wannabe cop.  Other cops stood by or participated in this madness (they should be disciplined as well), only stepping in when Casebolt pulled his gun on unarmed teens. Makes you wonder if they were saying, "Man, cool it.  You can't kill them now.  People are videotaping us.  We'll get them later when no cameras are around."

It's way past time to get these murderous cops out of our police departments nationwide. And time to stop giving them a pass just because they are white.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

137 Shots = Legal Murder

137 Shots Fired 
Cleveland cops claim that the car being driven by Timothy Russell backfired resulting in a high speed chase involving almost 100 officers. Mr. Russell and Malissa Williams, the only passenger in the car, didn't stand a chance against the pumped up, out of control murderous lawmen. Lawmen who acted like outlaws. Lawmen who acted like a mob of KKK murderers. See, the cop that initially pulled the couple over suspected that they were involved in drugs, but there was no proof.  Not only that, they were also unarmed.

False reports (lies) to police claimed that Russell and Williams were firing at cops and reloading (imaginary guns).  Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine did grudgingly admit that there was a systematic failure in the Cleveland Police Department.  I'll say.  I'm no Constitutional scholar but since when did running from police equal a death sentence? Especially, when no murder, rape or other heinous crime had been committed. Cleveland cops appointed themselves judge, jury and executioner.

The U.S. Justice Department called Cleveland out over the pattern of "unreasonable and unnecessary" force by the police department. As one commentator put it, if you have the suspect's license plate (which cops did have) then you don't engage in a high-speed chase. You do your job and track down the owner of the car, question and maybe arrest them at a later date.

It was obvious a deal had been struck by the prosecution which allowed the cop, Michael Brelo, to be acquitted of all charges. Even though Brelo jumped up on the hood of the car and fired 49 shots, 15 at point blank range, into the vehicle.  Most people call that murder. I know I do. There were 13 officers in total who fired 137 shots into the car and we can assume that they won't be found guilty of anything either.  They just killed a couple of black people. So, what?

That's the attitude of cops who work in Cleveland but don't live and may never have lived here.  The us versus them mentality is blatant. Cleveland cops have no real ties to the city or its citizens.  They kill 'em and lock 'em up then head on home to their lily white suburbs. I say bring back the residency laws that curbed the them versus us attitude. You get your paycheck from the city; you live in the city.

Some were hoping Cleveland would explode like Baltimore.  The reason citizens didn't give in to their righteous indignation and start burning stuff up is because Cleveland was one of many cities that survived the riots of the 60's, namely the Hough riots and Glenville Shootout.  Cleveland burned.  The neighborhoods still have the vacant lots where buildings and businesses used to stand but were never rebuilt.  We learned not to burn up our own community because no matter what the politicians said, no one would be coming to rebuild in a riot torn African American area.

The Justice Department and the City of Cleveland are working on a settlement and have reached an agreement regarding findings from a report issued in December 2014 which also outlines a pattern of excessive force against citizens, inadequate training regarding interaction with mentally and physically ill citizens and failure to investigate and discipline officers using excessive force.

I pray that the victims' families will be compensated for the murder of their loved ones. Whatever Timothy and Malissa were into that night, it should not have cost them their lives.  Had they been white, it would not have.